Episode 10 – “Live From PAX”

Are you ready for the Video Game Realness 10th Episode Anniversary Extravaganza coming to you “Live from PAX”? The gang’s all here when Delvin, James, Cameron, Greg and Michael discuss what they’ve been playing for the last few weeks. They also discuss Gamescom news — including the PS4 launch date and a #VGRealnessPSVita price drop — as well as a new Tales game for iOS, Pokemon for WiiU, Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune’s new Kickstarter project “Mighty No. 9”, and the biggest drop of news Nintendo has released all year (Nintendo 2DS, Wii U price drop & holiday release dates).

In the second half of our gargantuan episode, get ready for trivia with your host Vanna Black (WHY IT GOTTA BE BLACK?!) where #TeamExy and #TeamPSVita go head-to-head in the ultimate shady showdown.


Information on the Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mightyno9/mighty-no-9

Episode 5 – Three and a Half (3.5) Gays

Cameron, Delvin, James and half of Greg (read: hungover) discuss the hot gamer topics for this week. These three and a half gaymers bitch and banter over the rise of eSports, San Diego Comic Con, Nintendo’s Ninja Direct and some Ubisoft Rayman Shade. Oh, and we have some surprises in store for our #VGRealnessPSVita count!

Also, listen in to hear what we’ve been playing this week and James’ request for Animal Crossing advice! #VGRealnessACNL.

Show Notes to follow, hunties.