Episode 46 – E3 2014: Playstation Conference

The whole crew breaks down all the details of the very long Sony Conference. James, Michael, Cameron and Delvin breakdown the games that were announced such as Destiny, LittleBigPlanet 3 and the re-releases making a big splash this year.

A lot happened and didn’t happen in this conference at the same time, but the guys dive into all the details and share our thoughts.

Did Sony win E3 again this year? What are your thoughts?

Playstation E3

Episode 19 – Last Gen, Reunited

As the next-gen is officially here, James, Cameron and Michael decide to look back on the previous console generation and discuss the best, the worst and SoulCalibur Legends — it’s in its own category. They don’t completely shirk the next-gen wagon; Michael discusses his PS4 and the crew discusses the Xbox One launch, as well as the news of the week.

The guys also talk about what they’ve been playing over the last week (including Super Mario 3D World), Michael discovered that Killzone: Shadow Fall wasn’t all that great in the end, and Cameron has a computer sob story that results in the briefest moment of silence.

What are your thoughts on last-gen? What console did you buy first? Which did you prefer? What is the best thing to come from last-gen? The worst? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter or Facebook.

Now Playing – 2:30
News: XBox Launch – 20:20
News: Wii U Brit Bundle – 42:00
Last Gen Retrospective – 47:20

Show Notes:
-Geoff Keighley “Xbox go to Los Angeles” gif

Episode 18 – PS4 and Things Because Reasons

After a one week hiatus, the boys are back to chat your ears off about PS4, Blizzcon and other news highlights.

Join Cameron, James, Michael and Delvin as they share what games of the week they’ve been playing as well. Michael gives us the T on his PS4 and shares his impressions on Killzone: Shadow Fall, Knack, Resogun and more.

Also, in this week’s episode we’re using our new microphone, so apologies for the sound levels this week (auto volume was turned on by accident). We will work it out in the coming weeks.

Episode 17 – Objection!

It’s a VG Realness three-man crew this week. Join Delvin, James and Michael as they discuss the newest Ace Attorney game, Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies. You won’t object when they also talk about their impressions from Gamercamp, getting hands-on with some of Nintendo’s holiday releases (with extra commentary expanding on our videos from last week), and all of the hottest news of the week.

Also: in a VG Realness first, the guys play a few rounds of The Metagame — a card debate game about games and culture — that is currently holding a Kickstarter. Which do you think will save the world? Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Cats: The Musical? (Thanks again to Eric Zimmerman, Colleen Macklin and John Sharp for sending us an preview deck!)

Did you go to Gamercamp? What did you think? What did you play? Leave a comment or tweet at us!

Also, we’ve worked on fixing our audio levels, so please let us know what you think. Send us a tweet with #VGRealnessMyEarsAreBleeding and let us know if there’s more we need to change.

13:35 – Nintendo Holiday Preview
– Playing The Metagame Live!
31:55 –
Weekly News
59:40 –
Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies


Show Notes:
-Our hands-on videos at Nintendo’s holiday preview event
-The name of the digging game from Gamercamp was Super Motherload
The Metagame Kickstarter
-From one of our rounds of The Metagame:
-Delvin’s Megaman 3DS XL case:

Episode 13 – News Extravaganza

Strap yourselves in for the video game podcast that is here to entertain and inform all in one! This week we talk about the news of weeks past such as the news of the PS4 launch in Japan, Nintendo Ninja Direct about Wii Fit and Wii sports, Ouya relaunch of Free the Games and Mighty No 9!

Join James, Michael, Cameron and host Delvin as they share their thoughts on the news tidbits as well as discuss what games of the week they have been playing!

Show Notes:
-Xerneas is FABULOUS!


-Mighty No. 9 Fan Art


-Ocarina of Time beats Grand Theft Auto V on Metacritic


Episode 12 – Tales of Micro Systems

This week on the Video Game Realness podcast, Delvin, James, Michael and Cameron discuss the news of the past week and have a discussion on micro systems such as Ouya, Steam Box and other entrants to the field such as Mad Catz.

We also talk about where Nintendo may take their hardware in the future in a possible “what if” scenario. To close out the show, Michael takes us through time as he talks about the past, present and future of the Tales of series and the history of Namco Tales Studio.

All this and an unforcasted drop of shade this week on Video Game Realness!

Show Notes:

Behold Lady Turquoise and her two beefy bodyguards, as discussed!

Episode 10 – “Live From PAX”

Are you ready for the Video Game Realness 10th Episode Anniversary Extravaganza coming to you “Live from PAX”? The gang’s all here when Delvin, James, Cameron, Greg and Michael discuss what they’ve been playing for the last few weeks. They also discuss Gamescom news — including the PS4 launch date and a #VGRealnessPSVita price drop — as well as a new Tales game for iOS, Pokemon for WiiU, Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune’s new Kickstarter project “Mighty No. 9”, and the biggest drop of news Nintendo has released all year (Nintendo 2DS, Wii U price drop & holiday release dates).

In the second half of our gargantuan episode, get ready for trivia with your host Vanna Black (WHY IT GOTTA BE BLACK?!) where #TeamExy and #TeamPSVita go head-to-head in the ultimate shady showdown.


Information on the Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mightyno9/mighty-no-9

Episode 1 – Microsoft & Sony Post-E3 Smackdown

In our first “official” episode, Delvin, James Cameron and Michael discuss all of the Sony & Microsoft-related events from E3 2013. Were their predictions correct? What games did they find the most interesting? How do they feel about the Xbox One following its flip-flop on DRM policies? All this and more on this week’s episode of Video Game Realness.

For a breakdown on all things Nintendo from E3 2013, we’ve got a whole episode coming your way.

(Oh, and sorry about that weird buzzing. We’re working on it!)